Monday, February 18, 2013

Weekly Oasis: Everything takes time

I've been overloaded with this list that I've made in my head of things to do. Like find a job, make the jams that my grandfather gave me citrus for, clean my room, unpack my last bag, return a bunch of things I bought for my trip and didn't use, clean my car, organize the garage, exercise more, blog more projects that have been done for months, make things for people I told them I would make for them by the end of last year etc etc. I could go on forever. I am starting to realize that I am not super woman and instead of appreciating my accomplishments I am burdening myself with things that take time.

The picture above is from Guell park in Barcelona. When I found out where Guell park was I pretty much knew I was never going to make it to the top and that I can admire everything from a far. After I made it up all the stairs, escalators and hills I surprised myself. I didn't think I could do it but I took the time and tried. Yes a lot of people passed me and I was fairly slow. Even with all that I made it. Now I am realizing that all of that took time and so will the list of things I have to do. I just have to set a few of them aside each day and get them done. I didn't make it to the top of the park in record time and Im probably not going to organize the garage in one day either.

Just look at your tasks and prioritize and organize. If you have a laundry list in your head that's all it will ever be, a laundry list. Its like sitting there thinking I have to find a guy, get engaged, plan a wedding, pay for it, plan a honeymoon, pay for it, then there's a house, kids, cars, school, doctors, lessons, food, clothing, ups downs, and everything in between. Well anybody keeping that laundry list in their head is never going to get married because you think about all of the work at once. Take it one step at a time and understand that everything takes time. If you make the most of the day today, you will be inspired to do it again tomorrow.

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