Monday, September 26, 2011
Weekly Oasis: Head in the clouds
This week flew by so quickly that I forgot to post my weekly oasis. Its been too long since I've actually had a life. Working two days a week, three days a week at the haunt, and having things to do and people to see on my days off. It feels good. No actually it feels great. The main reason is because I'm learning so much from the haunt. Getting to explore all these techniques and applications! My only gripe is every ones reaction when they hear I don't get paid. I get a twinge when I think about the gas I spend getting out there (roughly $35 a weekend) but its gone the second I get there. I love the kids and they're amazing when it comes to me messing around with make up. They drive me nuts but I get them back by ripping out half their beards with liquid latex :) See I can't even keep on topic about not getting paid. I just love every minute of being there. What keeps me going is the fact that I know if my dad was here he would ask me three questions like always:
1.Does it make you happy? Do you truly enjoy the experience?
2.Are you learning something from all of your work?
3.You're going to have to spend that money on something someday right?
YES to all three. I'm not losing anything by going out there, only gaining friendships, experience and knowledge that will be with me for the rest of my life. I know my dad might not be here but his lessons always will.
Hope you all had as an insightful week as I did and wishing you all a great week ahead of you!
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Weekly Oasis: Some extra sleep?
It was most definitely a long week. I work for a CPA so there was a huge deadline this week. Then we had the grand opening of our haunted house on Friday night which was amazing! So I'm really happy that things are on the up and up. I just wish I could get a little more sleep. I guess a week of being up at 8am put my body in a routine. The last few times I tried to sleep in I was wide awake by 8:30. Which I guess its a good thing. Too much sleep can make me sluggish also. I would love to have one of these bales of cotton to pass out on during my break though! Does that not look absolutely comfy?! I hope you all are doing well and had just as a fulfilling week as I did! Im hoping to have a new blog post (other than the weekly oasis) up soon!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Weekly Oasis: Just a little get away
This week was a stressful week. Ups downs. But sat night was a good night. It picked up and it lifted my spirits. So you know what I dont care about what happened. Honestly I'm at a bar drinking the week away with two amazing ladies. Margaritas are flowing and so is the banter. So grab a drink close your eyes and get away. Before you know it next weekend will be upon us and we'll be in another exotic location together ready to take on the week ahead.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Labor day weekend! The last true weekend of the summer. The weekend of roadtrips, bbqs, beaches, parties and the greatest farewell to the summer! I hope that's the way it went for you because I can't say the same. My weekend consisted of rushing around, my car being towed, a huge wedding that took a day and a half to get ready for, painting and glittering walls through a horrible hangover and a multitude of other obstacles life wanted to give me a huge middle finger with. I can say today was a huge turnaround. Went out with the family on a mini road trip and got away for a minute. But even with such a great ending to a weekend I can't help but ache to be in a secluded place like this for just a few days. I haven't had a minute to stop and relax (aka breathe) since Friday night. This is why I have the weekly oasis. We all know we can't stop the week that's barreling towards us. We can take a minute and clear our minds though. So throw on Pandora's nature radio and imagine walking around your private villa on it's tiny island. I know that's what I'm going to bed thinking about ;) Hope you all enjoyed your long weekend and have a great week ahead of you!